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What are the advantages of paper pipettes and plastic pipettes?
Hits:4338         Date:2022/3/29
With the increasing emphasis on environmental protection, many products are beginning to face a new generation. As a small product that people use frequently every day, straws are naturally inevitable. Everyday, the straws we use are basically plastic straws, which are widely used because of low cost and simple process. But now, it is almost inevitable to remove plastic straws from our daily habits. Because the waste caused by plastic straws is really incalculable, and the environmental pollution is also increasingly serious after disposal.
So people started to act, they told the restaurant waiter, don't provide a straw. Starting this summer, Seattle will ban all businesses from selling food and beverages with plastics, and straws are no exception; California has a bill that is in the pipeline, requiring restaurants to provide straws only when customers ask for it. Scotland plans to achieve a complete elimination of plastic straws by the end of 2019.
Therefore, under the general trend of environmental protection, the environmental performance of paper straws produced by paper pipettes is far superior to that of plastic straws produced by plastic pipettes. At present, paper straws will be used more abroad, but there are not many domestically available papers. However, with the development of paper straws produced by social development, it is bound to be a domestic trend.
On a message:How to choose a paper pipette?      Next information:Why are paper pipettes so hot now?

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